Celebrity crypto steals your money | Get help.

1 | Sell immediately. Sell celebrity/influencer crypto immediately. History shows the price almost never goes back up and, in fact, it will fall more. Even if you get lucky and sell on a price bump, it's zero-sum. You're selling something that you know has no value and passing the loss to another victim. 2 | Report schemes. The FTC maintains a list of reporting interfaces for the FTC, the CFTC, the SEC, and the FBI. Click here for that FTC list. 3 | Address gambling addiction. Crypto is a relatively new interface for gambling, and all the same rules apply. Get gambling help. 4 | Find someone to talk to. Many people have lost a lot of money following personalities they trust. These losses can compound with family and social difficulties. Understandibly, this can be tough to deal with. Therapy goes a long way. Consider this article about finding a therapist. 5 | Learn how to pay down debt and achieve a secure financial future. Find reliable, tried-and-true paths to financial stability. Three strong starting points include: a. Dave Ramsey's 7 Baby Steps - Dave's advice is unambiguous and easy to follow. b. Money Guy's Financial Order of Operations - Money Guy presents a more nuanced path. c. Mr. Money Mustache - MMM shares an advanced path to reliable financial success. Home